Police have on Thursday seized gold worth Rs 10.37 million which was being smuggled into Nepal from Bihar, India through Birgunj Customs Point. A revenue patrol deployed from Birgunj Customs Office to control smuggling of goods confiscated 4.299 kg of gold, which was hidden under the seat of a car (BA 7 Cha 6344) to illegally bring to Nepal. The revenue patrol team led by its chief Krishna Koirala arrested the driver of the vehicle Arbinda Singh, resident of Birgunj Sub-Metropolitan City along with Amit Daruka and handed them over to Birgunj Customs Office for necessary actions. The police succeeded to seize the said amount of gold and golden jewelries as they acted on a tip-off. Meanwhile, Armed Police Force personnel seized sugar, chemical fertiliser and other food products worth Rs. 200,000 that was imported illegally in Nawalparasi from India. According to state-owned news agency RSS, a patrol team of Parasi-based border security office seized 50 sacks of urea, sugar and other food products brought on bicycles evading custom tax. Superintendent of Police Madhu Krishna Godtaula told RSS the materials seized from the border areas have been handed over to Bhairahawa Customs Office for further action. The import of sugar, chemical fertilizer, clothes, poultry products and other food products from Indian markets have been banned in Nawalparasi since a long time.